Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wiley Gets a Ferrari

I don't like to think of my kids as being spoiled, but "well loved", as I once heard someone say.  They are good kids so we splurge on them occasionally.  They could care less about designer clothes or the latest and greatest techy toys and gadgets and they've never been to Disney World or any other amusement park for that matter.

But two weeks ago JD and I made the decision that may have taken "well loved" over the line into absolutely ridiculous. 

We bought Wiley a Ferrari.  I know, I know, he's only four but I can already imagine the day when he'll outgrow, I mean it.  He didn't understand all of the buttons so before we bought, we had Abby take it for a test drive.  It turns out Abby could operate all of the buttons and has offered to keep tuned up.  I bet you didn't know she was such a great mechanic, especially on foreign models.

So I won't keep you hanging.  I hope you enjoy the pictures of Wiley and his new Ferrari, which incidentally he named himself.

That's Wiley and Ferrari in the middle.

Mounting his little red sports car.

Working the donkey.

His very own horse.

And what good would that new Ferrari be without his own G-G saddle.

Whew!  Good thing Ferrari is of the sporty size.

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