Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Junior Rodeos

Two punk kids.

Saturday was the end to the Pavillion Youth Rodeo Association season.  There are lots of different events for the kids, including some on foot for the five and under kids.

This was Wiley's first year to participate.  He was absolutely unbitten by the competition bug, that laid back attitude must come from the Philleo side...  While getting down on his sheep, JD kept having to tell him to pay attention because they're going to open the gate.  Most of the other kids were at least a little apprehensive and some cried.  I think Wiley was just as at home on the sheep as he is on the pony or his bike.

Abby has become more and more interested in showing in our reined cow horse competitions and has entered two so far.  She placed second in the first show and won the second.  We have focused much less on practicing the individual rodeo events and much more on refining her general horsemanship skills this summer.  Although I'd like to keep her my little girl until the bitter end, I still can't wait to see how far she takes her riding.  She is going to pass us up in no time and we'll be attending her clinics at some point I have no doubt.

Wiley pitching his loop in the dummy roping.

Abby and her friend Jesse Becker.
Wiley running the stick horse barrels.
Abby in the sack roping, an event the will weed out the weak.  If they catch that sack and she usually does, they drag it behind their horse back to the finish line. 
Abby on Hippie in the barrel racing.
Wiley and his friend Sammi.

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