Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Now that Wiley is big enough to participate in all of our activities, I am realizing that when he was born, I basically had twins.  Some days he and JD are men and some days they're little kids. 

Wiley often talks just like a man.  Tonight, he asked to drive the pickup out of the pasture, exclaiming, "I'm a drivin' son-of-a-gun".  Really?  You can't see over the steering wheel or reach the pedals, thankfully.  And JD plays a mean game of hide and seek and runs through the sprinklers with the best of 'em. 

One of the things common to both men and boys is their sense of competitiveness and their need to one up each other.  It really started to appear in Wiley this spring.  He's a Philleo with a little bit of Buzzard thrown in; very little Buzzard though.  Some days I wonder if he's even mine.

Anyway, here's how the night played out...
"Hey, I thought you said Bullseye is fast.  I'm riding a Ferrari."

"Well he goes over the bridge."
"But can he go over it sideways?"

"My horse really watches a cow."
"What do you call this?  He's locked on."
"My two year old crossed water with no problem."
"Get in line Dad."
"Alright Hot Shot, get your horse on this tilt trailer."
"You mean like this?!"
Abby and I just sat back and watched.  They're pretty good entertainment.  Boys are weird.

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