Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Estoy Hecho!

La cucaracha, la cucaracha, I'm all done pulling weeds.  
La cucaracha, la cucaracha, why did I ever plant those seeds?

Well its official, the garden is weed-free!  And it only took me two weeks...

And when I say me, I mean I often mean around here.  That's how chores usually are done right?  About day five into the weed pulling misery, I decided that Abby would have to step up to the "country kid" plate and help out.  I have had her help me in the years past but, this year, since she has other chores she already does everyday, I thought I would let her skip most of the weeding duties and help with the harvest and canning instead.  I thought the beginning...when I still had a good attitude, a pretty manicure, wasn't sunburnt and my quads weren't cramped.  I figured that since Oprah is now off the air, she won't have anywhere to bash me publicly for her tortured childhood when she's famous.

Child labor victim...I mean "country kid".

She really was a ton of help everyday and worked right alongside me.  We got up at 4:30 each morning, ate breakfast, did the chores and then went to work in the garden.  We pulled weeds until noon each day, when it got too hot. its time for that margarita and pico!  Except I don't have any tequila...or limes...or triple sec, or however you make them.  I made them here at home once.  Pitchers of them. could I have forgotten the recipe?


  1. Mmmm, is this the time I remind you of when you were her age and I asked you to weed the peas? You weeded so thoroughly that even the peas were gone when you were through. You thought that would get you out of ever having to weed again? Don't think so. Signed, your mom.

  2. i did some trading for a rear tined rototiller this year and am having the bestest, weed free garden ever, i highly recommend it, takes most of the yucky weeding away. Tana
