Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Field Day

Wiley's last day at Smart Start Academy came last week.  The last day of school is the Field Day Track Meet.  The kids were told to wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes.  Can you imagine where this is heading? 

First, JD has convinced him that shorts are not manly.  Second, I stopped buying tennis shoes last year after he wore the last pair once, and that was after I hid his boots and MADE him wear them with the shorts I MADE him wear.  That was not a good day for the cowboy.

So...with no tennis shoes, shorts were out, and I let him wear the boots. long as he was already wearing boots...he had to wear the western shirt...and what cowboy outfit would be complete without the hat to top it all off.

And so the cowboy comes to town for the track meet...

First, mash your hat down tight.

You're supposed to throw it down the field, not at me!

Perfect form for the long jump.

Talking with his pardner, Kail.

Hi Mom.

The approach.
High jump!

High jumpin' is hard on your hat.

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