Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So productive!

It's 9:52 a.m. and I already feel like I have accomplished a good day's worth of business.  For breakfast I made breakfast burritos.  They were inspired by a stop at the Fast Lane gas station on our way to my horse show this past Saturday.  I VERY simply mixed pork chorizo with scrambled eggs. 

In case I ever become famous for my thrown together recipe ideas, I'll tell you how I made the burritos below.  I rarely follow written recipes because we live in Kinnear and I don't always have all of the ingredients and I'm NOT going back to Wal-Mart. And because I'm not very good at following directions, recipes or otherwise, just ask JD.

Oh yeah, back to the burritos...I had enough for breakfast for JD and I and then had six left to bag up and throw in the freezer.

Now that it was daylight, JD's horse, Petrie, was politely (or not so much) asking for his breakfast by pawing the gate.  I doubted that he would enjoy chorizo so I set out to deliver hay and grain to him and his buddies.  But first I had to dress in all of the appropriate gear (see "Isn't it Cold There?" post).  I should have thrown on the face mask too but it fogs up my glasses, making chore-time, well, a chore.  It was 18 below and I know I said you had better run so your nostrils don't freeze together but, without a mask, this isn't a good idea either.  The slight breeze I get when running, now I mean SLIGHT (you know this if you've ever seen me run), makes my cheeks colder than just walking and toughing out the cold.

Chores done!

JD and I made a pact this weekend about doing an hours worth of work for each other each week.  He requested that I spend my time cleaning something that I don't usually clean, like cupboards, closets, garden shed, windows, etc. I am a pretty decent housekeeper but have also been pretty good at ignoring the behind closed doors stuff in order to ride, shop, play, anything but clean.  In exchange for my weekly hour of work, he will "work for me" for one hour on Sundays doing honey dos.  WooHoo!  Deal.  I'll be glad to make our home, yard, pickup a little cleaner and nicer to have him help me do the same.

So...my hour of cleaning this week was done this morning.  I cleaned my appliance cupboards.  They needed to be wiped out but in the process, I got rid of a dish drainer, coffee grinder, blender, coffee maker and beaters.  I have room for so much more crap now!  I mean treasures.

After finishing up this post, I'll balance the checkbooks and pay bills. 

Lunch will be a breeze.  We have leftover lasagna from dinner.  It turned out really good.  To the regular meat and spaghetti method, I added some frozen zucchini from last summer's garden, and also some sausage for some kick.

I'm going to spend some time with Wiley this afternoon on his schoolwork.  JD has been working on counting and the alphabet and I'll be working on writing the letter M today.  He eats up all of the attention on these weeks when JD is home.

While Wiley naps, I'm going to take some time to watch an instructional video by Les Vogt on training horses.

Whew!  After all that, Abby should be getting home from school and we can start in to our nightly chores, homework, dinner routine!  Pork chops...and whatever else I can dream up before then.

Breakfast Burritos

1 package pork chorizo
8 eggs
2 T half n half
8 burrito tortillas
2 cups cheese of your choice

Cook the chorizo over medium low heat until done.  Crack the eggs in a bowl and add the half n half and beat together.  Add the eggs to the chorizo and stir until done.  Warm up the tortillas in the microwave so they are soft and pliable but not overheated to become hard, probably 30-45 seconds.  Drop the meat mixture into the center of the tortillas and top with some cheese and then roll up into burritos.  The meat and egg will melt the cheese.  The extra burritos can be frozen in plastic bags.  Jalapenos would have been wonderful in this too because the chorizo I had wasn't too hot.

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