Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm Sure Oprah Has Been Lonely

Up until last week, I was an avid Oprah watcher.  I still am, but don't tell her because we're not talking.  She may not publicly address her loneliness from my silence, but she's feeling it, I'm sure.

Oprah and some members of her staff recently took on a radical challenge: to go vegan for one week. That  meant no meat, no fish, no milk, no eggs—nothing that comes from an animal—for seven full days. The charge was led by New York Times best-selling author Kathy Freston, who has sworn by a vegan lifestyle for seven years now.
Ok, so whatever you want to do Oprah, but what they later promoted in the show is what has me irritated with her. I notice she has no mention of this part of the show on her website.  I'm sure she got hit with a firestorm of crap from ranchers and farmers across the nation.

Oprah said that she is not a vegan but wants to be more mindful of what she eats.  She later stated that she does not support large scale feedlots for beef or chicken and that she prefers her eggs to come from free range, happy, chickens.  I'm not sure how she measures the happiness of chickens but I do know that these food choices are not an option for the majority of Americans.  Happy chickens are apparently expensive.
Abby taking our happy steers for a walk.
More exercise for those happy critters.

Our family is blessed enough to have the pasture and resources to raise our own beef.  There is no way we are convincing JD that chickens should be free-ranging our deck though.  With that said, not every high riser in the city has the deck space for their own cow so that leaves ranchers and feedlots with the job of providing beef, chicken and pork for them.  It is simply not cost effective to play them music and teach them all to skip.
"Slow down, I'm trying to sing you a song!"

So...since Oprah is obviously concerned with us all being more conscious of where our food come from...I propose that she provide a cost share for the types of foods she is promoting.  You pay that price that regular, feedlot beef, unhappy chicken, food costs and she chips in the difference so you can upgrade to happy meat.  If she's not willing to step up and support her movement, I ask her to close her big mouth.

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