Monday, February 14, 2011

The Boy and His Heavy Equipment

Last night we took a drive in "the green pickup", one of five at our house.  I have no idea how this happened since we only have two legal drivers.  I think JD has an odd addiction to used Chevy pickups, because this is getting ridiculous.  Anyway, we spent some time discussing our to-do lists for Monday.  JD-work, Abby-school, Sammi-clean house and Wiley-"load the skid steer on the tilt trailer and take it to town on the green truck so they can work on it".  Huh?
Snow removal

The boy is fascinated with equipment...and hauling stuff... and pulling trailers.  I could more easily understand this if we owned an excavation business.  I'll chalk it up to...he's all boy.

Just before preschool started, we had to bring him down to the school for a placement interview.  On that morning, JD was doing dirt work with the skid steer and we also had a backhoe (or something?, I should ask Wiley he'd remember) that we were digging water line (or something?) with.  Obviously, I'm not...all boy.  Anyway, he was livid with me for pulling him away from the excavation site what?...go to school?... 

As part of the interview, he was asked to recite the alphabet.  "But wait, I have to tell you something, we have a skid steer."  No alphabet.  Let's count.  "And a backhoe and we pulled it here on the gooseneck with the silver truck."  And the teacher becomes wise.  "How many pickups do you have?"  Green-one, silver-two, welding-three, dumpbed-four, the '72-five."  Well at least he can count to five.

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