Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Will Work for Cookies

A month or so ago, we went down to Lloyd Cox's (a cutting horse trainer) place in Colorado to pick up a horse we were buying.  What a beautiful place!  It had a huge barn and a very nice indoor arena.  Mr. Cox has a small crew who works for him to clean stalls, feed, saddle and exercise the horses that he has in training.

Upon returning home...I was thinking...I need a crew.  Well maybe not need but definitely want.  But...since my win record isn't quite that of Lloyd's...I had to sacrifice some...on the size of my crew...well height anyway.

I hired this guy.  He works for cookies.
Not sure what he's doing here, maybe teaching Bo to dance.

He's nice to the animals.

He brushes.
He saddles...well sorta...need a taller bucket.
Ok, got the taller bucket, now its backwards.

There, got it!
Cooling off my super-duper, high octane show horse, Lou.
Good boy Lou.
I'm going to talk with him about his attitude.  Good help is hard to come by around here!
Thanks for the ride Lou.


  1. This is GREAT!!! I love it -

  2. That's my boy! (signed: Grandma)
