Thursday, March 10, 2011

Everyday Good Times

I often catch myself whining about the daily chores of life.  I have to feed in the freezing cold or blowing wind.  I have to clean this disaster of a mud filled, dog hair laden house.  The weeds in the garden are out of control.  My pickup is filled with cheetos, chicken nuggets and more mud.  I need to make a trip to Wal-Mart and brave the first of the month crowd....and then as the complaining words leave my mouth...I want to kick my own butt. 

I am a stay at home mom with the most wonderful family.  My kids are absolutely hilarious and I thought I'd share some of our everyday pictures.  We are not at any event or special occasion, just snapshots of what every day looks like around here. 

I see where the mud is coming from now.   
I am fortunate to be able to raise my own kids or screw them up or traumatize them.  We have a good time each day playing together, reading books, doing chores and watching cartoons.  They teach me so much more than I could ever begin to think that I am teaching them.  They are so kind and forgiving and muddy...sorry for complaining again but they are...and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Abby is so fun to watch progress in her riding.
Getting better...
Abby and I were laughing the other day about how they were playing Justin Beiber during the school assembly and all of the kids were singing along to the music.   She's heard of him of course but that's about it.  She isn't in love with his hair or his songs and I think that's great.  I did apologize to her for our old fogey music and asked if we make her uncool even though everyone who meets her thinks she the coolest kid they've ever talked with, and asked if she would like to have one of his CDs.  She said no.  Thank God.  She is, however, becoming a real competitor at our weekend name that tune game.  We go for drives in one of our old pickups and play the ipod and see who can name the singer the quickest.  She can always recognize Alabama, AC/DC, The Black Crowes, Dolly Parten, Trace Adkins and Elvis along with about a hundred others.  So proud! 

Team Philleo, minus the photographer
We are also lucky to have JD home with us for three days each weekend.  Abby also enjoys a four day week at school so we get to spend much more family time together than I think most families do.  Without family living nearby, its just the four of us hanging out most of the time and its wonderful.  JD takes the time on the weekends to let the kids help.  He teaches them and watches them learn about the everyday tasks that he does around our home.  Both kids can drive the skidsteer and Abby drove our 1972 Chevy for the first time by herself over the summer.

Fun on Bo.
Today is the perfect example of how I am spoiled by my husband who works so hard so the kids and I can have days like this:  After doing Ab's hair and getting her off to school, I will make Wiley breakfast, do the chores,  help Wiley with some school worksheets and then head into town to take him to preschool.  While he's there I am getting my nails done and then riding our horses at the equine college.  After our preschool and college I will come home and do the nightly chores and then its off to Abby's school to her science fair.  As soon as JD gets home, he's offered to take us out to dinner.  Its rough, I know, but I'll try not to complain.

Abby welded this all by herself.

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