Thursday, January 27, 2011

Isn't it cold there?

Snow in July?!
July 4, 2009

We moved to Wyoming six years ago and since then I have been asked one question more than any other, "Isn't it cold there?".  Umm yeah...and that's the best part.

This is Wyoming and that's why its the best place on Earth to live!  Why?  Simple. Because not every namby pamby will move this way to take advantage of our beautiful scenery and plentiful jobs.  Not everyone can pull off Carhartt bibs and a stocking cap six months out of the year.  When we lived in Washington, I wouldn't have been caught dead in my longjohns in town.  The extra layer made my butt look fat.  Thirty below with a breeze gets you over that real quick.  I'll keep trying to tell myself the fading figure is just Under Armour.

Basically, I think its cold if you have to wear a coat.  Most places in this country require a coat at some point during the year but few offer bright sunshine to accompany screaming cold temperatures.  It might be thirty below but its a beautiful day to chip the ice off the water troughs.  I'll take that any day over Seattle's drizzle or even Sunny Okanogan's overcast skies.

I do, however, think there are varying degrees of cold.
Here they are:

1.  Under 25 degrees:  A sweatshirt isn't cutting it, put on a coat, and if you need a coat, you probably need a stocking cap and gloves.

2.  Under 10 degrees:  Time to pull out the bibs and change up the coat to down.

3.  Under 15 below:  Put the bogs away and pull out your running shoes, get your crap outside done FAST, before your nostrils permanently freeze together.  This, by the way, is JD's favorite temperature.  He gets a charge out of watching other people shiver.  I guess there are some benefits to being a hot head at work, that and getting to play with fire.

So, if you come to visit us in the winter months, and maybe even during the summer, throw in the above clothing, you'll probably be glad you did.

Last weekend we were at a cutting, waiting for JD's class to start.  We were all saying that a beer really sounded good as we were sitting at the picnic tables.  Only in Wyoming, in January, would people think a cold beer sounds great.  I think, if you can unzip your coat, its time for a cold one!

1 comment:

  1. never have to ask..."does this haircut make my butt look big?"
