Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2012 Will Be A "Hard" Year

I have been thinking a lot about a New Year's resolution for 2012.  I usually don't make resolutions because if its something "hard" enough that I would have to "resolve" to accomplish...yeah its probably not gonna happen.  I've been floating along through my life quite nicely so far, working smarter, not harder.  I will find fourteen easy, little tasks to complete before I'll buckle down for the one "hard" task in front of me.  I'm not lazy, but I am a procrastinator, for the "hard" jobs anyway. 

JD is not like me, he takes pride in doing the "hard" jobs.  He makes a good living doing what no one else wants to do in weather no one else wants to work in.  He laughs when he sees someone shiver.  He has told me many times that 99% of the population will never know what is means to give 100%, even though they all claim to do it.  When he says he's going to do something, consider it done.  He also says it just takes one thing to be successful...SWEAT.

So this year...for the first time...I am resolving to have a "hard" year.  I am going to do the "hard" stuff first...and finish the job.

  • Its HARD to say "I'm Sorry"
  • Its HARD to mow the lawn when its hot
  • Its HARD to give a warm "Welcome Home" every night
  • Its HARD to complete others' requests of me, before my own
  • Its HARD to ride my horse five days a week
  • Its HARD to listen and be present for my kids every day
  • Its HARD to paint when you have little patience
  • Its HARD to keep up on bookwork
  • Its HARD to stay on top of my pickup maintenance
  • Its HARD to ride bareback
  • Its HARD to show affection when you're tired
  • Its HARD to ride when its cold, windy, or hot
  • Its HARD to make my first bridle horse
  • Its HARD to stack hay
  • Its HARD to pull weeds
  • Its HARD to put my families needs in front of my own
  • Its HARD to make dinner every night, even when I'm tired
 In 2012, I will sweat.

I have always know that in order to just have to be willing to do what others are not willing to do.  I have always been afraid to fail and that fear is holding me back.  I have the potential to do some really great things and I'm about to find out where the line is drawn for me.  I will move forward until I fail and then I will get up and keep shoving forward until there is a new line.

Muhanned Ali said...
"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given, than to explore the power they have to change it.  Impossible is not a fact.  Its an opinion.  Impossible is not a declaration.  Its a dare.  Impossible is potential.  Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is nothing."

This speaks to me.

 I have decided to post this in my blog because follow-thru is "hard" for me.  So when you talk with me, ask me what I've done hard today.  Call me on it!  Its also "hard" to be challenged and to take criticism and I will do both...maybe even with a smile on my face.

Because I am a procrastinator...I am going to start doing the "hard" stuff NOW, RIGHT NOW.  I am not going to wait until 2012.

Moving furniture for the carpet cleaners is "hard", and that's where I'm headed.

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