Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Freezing Ass Cold Morning

Its freezing ass cold here this morning.  Har, har, har....

Yes, Penelope, I see the frost on your mane.  I know, you're a Mediterranean donkey, and this is ridiculous.

Bo, back up, I can't even get a full shot of you.  I said, BACK UP.  Clean the frost out of your ears.  Yes, the camera smells delicious

Lou, you have bed head.

Zeke, pay attention, over here, the horses will be just fine for a few seconds while I get this shot.  Bailey, you could look a little LESS alert or punished, I'm not sure which.  You look like I'm making you wear a dress to the Christmas concert.  Geez...

You who, Zeke, class picture time, this way Bud.  I promise, they're not going anywhere.

There.  Thank you.  Bailey, at ease soldier.